Web Components

The Web Components Group uses the pattern library created by the Design Group to develop a modular, reusable toolkit of components that can be used to build campus websites across multiple publishing platforms.


  • Create and enhance the toolkit for multiple components
  • Allow for functionality and accessibility testing


  • A pattern to build web components, publish them to NPM, and integrate them to our build process.
  • A centrally hosted library of web components for use across campus, alone or in conjunction with other web frameworks and content management systems.
  • Documentation and examples to help campus developers integrate the toolkit into new and existing projects.

Out-of-scope items

  • Creating website components for individual units or websites


  • Bryan Jonker (lead)
  • Mikael Arvola
  • Sydney Flowers
  • Tyler Jackson
  • Maggie Jarvis
  • Natalie Johnstone
  • Andrew Reynolds
  • Tyler Rubach

Team Lead Responsibilities

  1. Lead meetings with the Web Components subcommittee
  2. Prepare agenda for the Web Components subcommittee meetings and monthly conversation meetings
  3. Provide updates from Steering committee meetings to the Web Components subcommittee on topics that might impact WIGG component work; and provide updates during WIGG Monthly Conversations
  4. Manage the toolkit-management GitHub repository to launch new components and maintain documentation
  5. Maintain the toolkit 3.0 project so GitHub issues are assigned and processed in a timely manner
  6. Maintain the @illinois-toolkit NPM organization (link requires a login)
  7. Be available for a majority of meetings, with the understanding there will be weeks or even months where a leader will be unavailable to attend due to vacations, work conflicts, etc.

Member Responsibilities

  1. Bring the needs and solutions of your unit or department to the group, and help us share your solutions with the rest of campus
  2. Follow coding standards listed in the toolkit-management GitHub repository
  3. Check in code in the web-illinois GitHub organization 
    • Note that there is no expectation that this code is “yours” — you are donating this code to WIGG and it may be enhanced by you or others based on WIGG meetings
    • If your team needs more control over code, you may create a fork of the code and we will work with you on maintaining the fork
  4. Communicate with the team lead and rest of members of what you can help with based on vacations, work conflicts, etc. 
    • We ask that you don’t take more than you can handle. 
    • If you find that you cannot devote any time to this group, it’s OK to leave. Let the team lead know. You can leave and come back as often as you need. 
  5. Be available for at least some meetings, with the understanding there will be weeks or even months where a member will be unavailable to attend due to vacations, work conflicts, etc.

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